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Epic acquires kid-safe platform SuperAwesome

Expected to be integrated within Unreal Engine
Epic acquires kid-safe platform SuperAwesome
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Sep 25, 2020 acquisition Epic Games SuperAwesome Not disclosed

Epic Games has acquired child technology specialist SuperAwesome.

The kid tech firm provides developers with tools that enable them to create new experiences for children in a safe manner.

SuperAwesome's Kids Web Services platform is a parental consent management toolkit. Thus it allows developers to create child-centric projects safely.

It's expected the tech will be integrated within Unreal Engine.

"The internet was never designed for kids so we started SuperAwesome to make it as easy as possible to enable safe, privacy-driven digital experiences for children everywhere," said SuperAwesome CEO and co-founder Dylan Collins.

"Partnering with Epic Games gives us the opportunity to deliver that promise on a scale which simply wouldn't have been possible on our own.

"We're proud and excited to be working together to make the internet safer for kids."

Back in 2019, the kids-safe firm raised $13 million to create an ads-based video-on-demand service aimed at younger viewers.

Safety first

Currently, over 300 brands use the services provided by the tech company, including LEGO, Hasbro and NBC Universal.

All-in-all, SuperAwesome's products help to protect over 500 million children on a monthly basis, across a variety of games and media.

Together, Epic Games and SuperAwesome will work to develop a variety of kid-friendly services.

"More kids interact online than ever before and now is the time to double down on their safety," said Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney.

"SuperAwesome is the company developers want to work with to make better online content for kids.

"We share the belief that digital experiences are better when you go the extra mile to respect privacy, and we're thrilled to invest in this future alongside the talented SuperAwesome team."