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Tell your community! Voting is OPEN for the Pocket Gamer Awards 2021

Nominations have closed and the next stage is here: make sure your games are put in the spotlight
Tell your community! Voting is OPEN for the Pocket Gamer Awards 2021

If your mobile or handheld game has been nominated for the Pocket Gamer Awards 2021, now's the time to make sure your community is voting for it!

The Pocket Gamer Awards 2021 are all about celebrating the best games that the public are playing right now.

With over 25 categories, covering everything from shooters through to the greatest mobile developers, this year's awards are the best way to get your voice heard and celebrate the games that make our mobile phones and tablets more than just devices for staying in touch with Aunt Mavis.

The process unfolds in three stages, with the first stage of nominations passing, stage two is now open.

Voting is now open

Now that the nominations have closed, the team has created a shortlist which has been revealed. The public now has until the end of February to vote on the shortlist. Make sure you point your teams and communities to this page.

The categories are:

  1. Mobile Game of the Year
  2. Best Mobile Developer
  3. Best Mobile Publisher
  4. Best Apple Arcade Game
  5. Best Google Play Pass Game
  6. Best Platform Game
  7. Best Battle Royale Game
  8. Best RPG
  9. Best Puzzle Game
  10. Best Sports Game
  11. Best Action Game
  12. Best Strategy Game
  13. Best Simulation Game
  14. Best AR Game
  15. Most Innovative Game
  16. Best Gaming Accessory
  17. Best Gaming Phone
  18. Best Gaming Tablet
  19. Best Educational Game
  20. Best Racing Game
  21. Best Shooter
  22. Best Game Narrative
  23. Best Multiplayer Game
  24. Best Mobile Conversion
  25. Best Digital Board Game
  26. Best Game We're Still Playing
  27. Best Hypercasual 'Quick Play' Game

On March 16th, the team will reveal which games have been voted top by the mobile gaming public in a live Twitch stream as well as on

Vote now

The ball's in your court! Share the voting link with your teams and communities and get them voting now!