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Be the first to see the Top 50 Mobile Game Makers of 2021 next week - online and free

Tune in next Wednesday, September 1st to see which studios, creators and publishers are the movers and shakers in mobile games
Be the first to see the Top 50 Mobile Game Makers of 2021 next week - online and free

There's just one week to go until the experts at reveal their take on the top 50 studios, creators and publishers in the mobile games world.

Join us virtually on September 1st for an afternoon of panels discussing the future of mobile games and potential opportunities in the space, culminating in the reveal of the Top 50 list itself.

We often unveil the Top 50 list during an invite-only dinner at a swanky international venue. However, this year the event will take place completely online, meaning more people get a chance to see it and take part.

If you want to see who we celebrated in 2020, see last year's Top 50 list here.

Tickets are free and available now.

Read on to see some of the first confirmed speakers you can expect to hear from during the event, with more to be announced soon.

Get your free tickets now

Don’t miss out on our celebration of the finest mobile games companies in the industry. The event is completely free to watch - all you need to do is register your ticket now.