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Tenjin and GameAnalytics partner to launch Growth FullStack

Provides access to collect and store data
Tenjin and GameAnalytics partner to launch Growth FullStack
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Sep 16, 2021 partnership GameAnalytics Tenjin Not applicable

Mobile market measuring platform, Tenjin, and player analysis platform, GameAnalytics, have partnered with launch Growth Fullstack.

Growth Fullstack offers a new series of developer tools and training resources related to data and analytics.

Tenjin and GameAnalytics cite the lack of access developers have to Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) and the low numbers of users opting to share user-level data as the reason for "scattered datasets".

The creators state that Growth Fullstack will allow developers to collect and store relevant data, and optimise their marketing campaigns activity through "off-the-shelf or custom analyses".

The launch of Growth Fullstack coincides with the release of iOS 15 and will allow developers to navigate a "privacy-centric marketing landscape".

Data consolidation

"The inspiration was our joint understanding that mobile marketers have their own siloed data sources, databases and analyses - sometimes multiple of each - but no way to draw them together post-IDFA," said Tenjin co-founder and CEO Christopher Farm.

Paired with iOS 14 and 15 redacting some of the important dimensions (for example country data sets) finding ways to build a network of data within Growth FullStack provides the tools and training for mobile publishers to achieve the similar insights like big publishers are used to, enabling them to focus on building their apps and games.

"GameAnalytics and Tenjin both have very popular free platforms and share a commitment to educating our clients, so we’re delighted to be working together to help great apps grow in the new privacy-first world.”

GameAnalytics founder and chairman Morten E Wulff added: "We’re thrilled to be announcing our new partnership with Tenjin, which is perfectly aligned to help us deliver best-in-class developer tools.

"Conversations with our mutual mobile game clients showed that they want us to offer services across their full stack of data tools, and Growth FullStack is the first in a suite of collaborative products that will supercharge the switch to Apple and Android-centric attribution.

"Mobile performance marketing architecture has been thrown into disarray during 2021 for publishers worldwide, but with Growth FullStack any mobile publisher can run new analyses of previously diffuse datasets with no in-house expertise."

Earlier this year, GameAnalytics launched a new mobile intelligence platform, GameIntel, which leverages data from over 140,000 games to offer developers a way to access insights into the industry.