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Homa Games raises $50 million to scale hypercasual

Series A was led by Northzone
Homa Games raises $50 million to scale hypercasual
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Oct 11, 2021 investment Homa Northzone Singular $50m

French hypercasual mobile game company Homa Games raised $50 million in a Series A round led by Northzone.

Other investors including Singular, Headline, Eurozeo and OneRagTime. This round of funding is only seven months after a seed raising.

The company recently announced its published games had hit 500 million downloads. 

Specialising in hypercasual games – as well as casual and board games – Homa Games has developed its own tech stack that optimises each game’s performance.

The startup has developed an all-in-all SDK for developers to optimise through analytics and A/B testing in order to turn their games into profitable ventures.

Game developers are able to build prototypes in Unity and submit them to Homa Games, which tests their potential and decide which prototypes are worth further exploration.

Speeding to success

Spending years developing isn’t necessary anymore. In fact, all of Homa Games’ top 20 most downloaded games have been developed in a maximum of eight days.

“Their platform gives any game entrepreneur or independent studio superpowers by allowing them to tap into publishing, analytics and marketing tools to compete on an even footing with the giant game studios across the world,” Northzone’s Pär-Jörgen Pärson said.

Homa Games is also working on a subgenre of hypercasual which they call ‘arcade idle’, featuring a textureless stickman which the player moves around the digital world.

Players have to gather resources to increase wealth and unlock new levels, with the game using interstitial ads, in-app purchases and subscriptions to make money. Players can also elect to watch an ad to go faster.