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Have your players nominated your game for the Pocket Gamer People's Choice Award 2022?

Submissions close at midnight on February 11
Have your players nominated your game for the Pocket Gamer People's Choice Award 2022?

The Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards 2022 nominations process is live, which means submissions for the ever-popular, hotly contested PG People's Choice have also kicked off.

This is one of the awards' key categories, enabling readers of our consumer-focused partner site to nominate and vote for their favourite gaming experience of last year.

The nomination phase is live and it's traditional (and within the rules) for developers to encourage their audience to champion their game. Provided the following subjective/objective mix of parameters are respected:

  1. Your game is 'best of the best' material
  2. It received a full release between January 1 and December 31 2021
  3. Your players nominate by the deadline of February 11 through the official People's Choice form

If the above is applicable and acceptable, do reach out to your players.

And don't forget the rest

The People's Choice is one of the 23 categories for the fifth outing of the PG Mobile Games Awards, which takes place on Tuesday April 5 at a central London location.

The nominations phase is well underway and, if you haven't yet, there's still plenty of time to join the fun if you've:

  • Released one of the finest mobile games experiences of 2021
  • Worked with an ultra-talented team of individuals that deliver day in, day out
  • Gone consistently over-and-above to satisfy your demanding-but-devoted players
  • Supplied critical industry-leading services
  • Implemented marketing campaigns that leave rivals playing catch up
  • Introduced genuine innovation into the sector
  • Or played a role within the industry that you feel elevated you/your team/your game above your peers

Simply visit the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards website and fill in the form for the relevant awards you would like to lobby for.

You can nominate for yourself or for another studio's efforts you think should be considered.

Nominations for the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards close on at midnight on March 1.

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