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Wargaming opens new studios in Poland and Serbia

Officially pulled out of Russia and Belarus
Wargaming opens new studios in Poland and Serbia

In support of Ukraine, the World of Tanks developer Wargaming has now officially pulled out of Russia and Belarus, where the company was first founded.

Wargaming has more than 550 employees in Ukraine and announced in early April that business operations in Belarus and Russia would cease.

Two new studios

Joining Wargaming’s six other Europe-based offices, the developer has announced new studios in Serbia and Poland, employing more than 400 people between them.

The Serbian studio will be based in Belgrade, meanwhile Poland’s will be in Warsaw, adding to its roster of studios in Kyiv, Prague, Guildford, Berlin, Nicosia and Vilnius.

In the future, the Serbian office will serve as a relocation option for employees of Wargaming, housing local and international talent. It and the Warsaw studio will both aim to reinforce global operations, with the Polish studio seeing most employees working virtually.

"Warsaw and Belgrade were logical choices for these new locations; both are fast developing technology sectors with enormous potential,” Wargaming CEO Victor Kislyi told GamesBeat.

"The Belgrade and Warsaw locations will be essential for accomplishing our goals."

At, we interviewed Ukrainian games company iLogos Games Studios, which added a mobile game to the Ukrainian government portal to support the government’s efforts against the Russian invasion.