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InMobi: Explore modern monetisation, with mediation, in-game advertising and audio ads

Meet the mobile games and Web3 experts at Pocket Gamer Connects Toronto on July 6-7 2022
InMobi: Explore modern monetisation, with mediation, in-game advertising and audio ads

Pocket Gamer Connects – Europe's leading mobile games industry conference – returns to North America as we bring the conference series to Toronto, Canada! We're bringing an array of incredible speakers, industry experts, and unparalleled networking opportunities to the Sheraton Centre on July 6-7 2022.

You can check out our speaker lineup, but to give you a teaser for what you can look forward to, we spoke with our speakers to share a little of what they'll be speaking on, and their thoughts of the mobile games industry.

Ram “TK” Krishnamurthy, VP and GM, Mediation and strategy at InMobi, will be sharing his expertise on mediation and how it can support monetisation, moving away from black box solutions, and its contributions to control and transparency. Where are the next big opportunities in the mobile games market?

Ram “TK” Krishnamurthy: I believe we are going to see so many more mainstream options for monetisation. In-game advertising can be highly effective for a much broader target audience. I believe that we need to expand whom we evangelise the metaverse to, brands are starting to dip their toes into these waters. Finally, audio ads are under-utilised. I think all three will substantial, long-term impacts on gaming.

What is the single biggest challenge facing the mobile games industry today?

The ability to monetise users while maintaining a world-class user experience is something all mobile game developers are battling with. And many are not even focused on the opportunities they are leaving on the table. Publishers should seek out platforms that give them full transparency and control over user experience as well as the insights that allow them to understand their users better and more deeply.

What developments do you think have been undervalued by the mobile games industry?

I think there is the opportunity for better value exchange between the game and its user. While console games have figured this out much better, mobile games are still lagging. This could be a great area to obtain privacy-compliant user data and monetise users better while, at the same time, not compromising the overall user experience.

What is one-way attendees can prepare for your discussion?

Have an open mind about what mediation means for gaming. Within the typical mobile monetisation toolbox, mediation tools often get a bad rap, and for a variety of reasons. How much of it is myth, and how can app publishers take control of their ad revenue? Mediation requires technological expertise, scale, and business resources to bring demand diversity and liquidity to the sell-side. But these deliverables are only available to developers that are sophisticated and large enough to influence both buyers and platforms.

If you could give other mobile games companies one piece of advice, what would it be?

Do not compromise on user experience.


Pocket Gamer Connects Toronto will start shortly, and you can grab a digital ticket through the following link.