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74% of consumers use mobile ads to discover new apps

An ironSource report finds that relaxation is key both for downloads and usage
74% of consumers use mobile ads to discover new apps

Two reports by ironSource, which we first wrote about last week, have delved into app discovery and monetisation, with one report for app marketers and the second for monetisation managers.

The data also reveals the changing attitudes towards advertising and monetisation, as well as the differences in the ways that different generations engage with their apps.

The report finds that 74 per cent of consumers downloaded apps after viewing mobile ads for them, highlighting again the user acquisition potential of such ads.

The report highlights the growing presence of rewarded advertisements outside of the mobile games space, with 33 per cent of those surveyed in non-gaming apps saying they pay more attention to ads which offer in-app rewards. This indicates that the rewarded advertising model has been broadly accepted throughout the mobile space, offering incentives for consumers.

Relaxation is key

The data also found that users are more likely to download new apps in their free time, and that 65 per cent of users use their apps for entertainment and relaxation.

“Our latest report reveals what Tapjoy has been saying for years: Mobile ads are key to app discovery, both in and out of mobile games. There’s very little difference between those playing mobile games and those using non-gaming apps as far as app discovery is concerned,” said US Sonic and Tapjoy at ironSource general manager Jeff Drobick. “Additionally, the data shows that diverse monetization strategies are key to maximizing revenue per user, meaning that in-app ads and in-app purchases can peacefully coexist without cannibalizing revenue. To fully explore each topic, we’re publishing two versions of the Modern Mobile Consumer report: App Discovery for UA marketers and App Monetization for publishers.”

By publishing two versions of the report, companies and managers dealing with either monetisation or marketing can hone in on the data that’s most relevant to their own business interests, informing their strategies going forward.

Last year, we listed ironSource as one of the top 50 mobile game makers. The company recently moved forward with its merger with Unity, following Applovin’s failed attempts to acquire Unity and cement its own market dominance.