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Desta: The Memories Between, makes the jump from mobile to Switch & PC

Developed by Ustwo Games, the title is now spreading its wings beyond its exclusive deal with Netflix Games
Desta: The Memories Between, makes the jump from mobile to Switch & PC

One of Netflix Games’ more notable mobile exclusives will be making the jump to PC and Switch this year. Desta: The Memories Between, developed by Ustwo Games, is set to make the jump to other platforms in April 2023.

Originally released exclusively to Netflix Games last year, Desta will be released onto PC and Switch as the “Dream Team Edition” with the inclusion of all major updates as well as a new Challenge and Nightmare mode that ups the difficulty of the original. Ustwo also note they will be partnering with the charity UK Youth with a charity fundraiser, peldging £27,000 to support activities during the cost-of-living crisis.

Lead Designer on Desta, Joel Beardshaw, expressed his optimism at bringing Desta to a whole new audience, “We’re really excited to bring Desta to new platforms. Even more players will be able to enjoy its story, gameplay and characters, falling even deeper into Desta’s dream with our Dream Team Edition. We’ve packed this bundle with so many new abilities, characters, game modes and more - I can’t wait for our community to get their hands on it in the coming weeks.

Whether you are an experienced tactics player or this is your very first time trying one out, we believe Desta: The Memories Between (Dream Team Edition) has something for every type of player.”

Dreaming up new audiences

Although Desta’s jump to other platforms may seem like a loss to some, it’s important to note that games work very differently to maintaining an exclusive show. If anything the jump points to Desta’s success and continued potential for popularity. So much so that Ustwo have now dedicated their resources to expanding the game beyond its initial platform winning fans in broader spaces. This marks a similar process as to what took place with their previous game, Alba: A Wildlife Adventure, which was first an Apple Arcade exclusive before it made the jump to PC and console.

In a reverse of this, popular indie roguelike “bullet hell” game Vampire Survivors made the leap to mobile. With its developers noting their struggles with monetisation and finding a suitable publisher, eventually leading them to self-publish onto mobile.