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35 to 46% of gamers will accept misleading advertising

75% of gamers in the US and Europe agree misleading ads can be more interesting than the actual game
35 to 46% of gamers will accept misleading advertising

35 to 46% of gamers across Europe and the US have reported that, in the case that they download a new game based on a misleading ad, they will decide whether to delete the game based on the in-app experience.

Nexter’s new report delves into the world of misleading advertising, and the effect these ads have on consumers. Worldwide, between 71% and 77.2% of players have noticed misleading ads in most markets. However, this figure was much higher in the USA, at 91%, which suggests the possibility of looser regulation in the region.

7% of gamers in the USA are reportedly unsure of whether or not they’ve seen misleading advertising, compared to figures between 15.8% and 20% in other markets.

In the US and Europe, almost 75% of gamers agree or somewhat agree that many misleading ads are more fascinating than the actual game. These numbers are only slightly lower in Brazil and Japan, at 71.9% and 69.4% respectively.

Most gamers stated that they believe developers rely on misleading advertising to increase downloads and revenue from in-app purchases, as well as make an underwhelming game seem fresh and appealing. Puzzles and Scapes games, Hero Wars, Ebony and State of Survival were listed as the top five games or genres which players were most disappointed in following a misleading ad.

Demographics and genres

The same report offers an analysis of the global demographics of gamers in 2023. The United States proved to be a significant market for gamers over 60, which represented 10% of all responding gamers. In Europe and Japan this figure stood at around 5%, while in Brazil less than 1% of gamers were in this demographic.

Players under 18 proved to be a minority in all regions, with none exceeding 2.5%. Gamers in the US, Europe and Brazil all played games for over 18 hours a week on average. In contrast, 49.2% of respondents in Japan played for less than four hours.

Nexters identifies the USA as the world’s most popular gaming market, with many companies targeting the market with casual games. As a result, 58% of gamers identified the genre as their favourite.

In contrast, players in Brazil (63%), Japan (50%), and Europe (49%) all identified RPGs and MMORPGs as their favourite genres. Japan in particular has the largest share of available RPG titles, with players reportedly drawn to the in-depth mechanics. In contrast, players in Brazil reported high levels of interest in competitive but relatively simple games, while European gamers are drawn to a combination of competitive mechanics and captivating mechanics. The versatility of the RPG/MMORPG genres, as well as the variety of activities available, therefore makes it an attractive choice for gamers in a variety of markets.

In February, Liftoff reported that playable ads have the lowest cost per install of all gaming ad formats.