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PlayStation’s Savage Game Studios rebrands to Neon Koi

"We've decided to embrace a new identity that better aligns with our vision for the future"
PlayStation’s Savage Game Studios rebrands to Neon Koi
  • Mobile studio acquired in August 2022 rebrands following departures of MD Michail Katkoff and GM Sophie Vo

PlayStation has rebranded its Finnish mobile developer Savage Game Studios to Neon Koi.

The studio was formed by Deconstructor of Fun founder Michail Katkoff in June 2020, later raising $4.4 million as the team developed a mobile shooter. PlayStation Studios acquired the team in August 2022, marking its first purchase for the company’s mobile division.

Revealing the new branding on LinkedIn, the company said the new name better reflected its vision for the future.

“After consideration and reflection on our values, mission, and the incredible growth we've experienced, we've decided to embrace a new identity that better aligns with our vision for the future,” read a statement.

“Neon Koi represents our culture and the passions of our game project.”

Mobile movers

The company’s mobile plans have experienced a few shakeups during the past year. Neon Koi MD Katkoff left the studio in July earlier this year, while studio GM Sophie Vo departed the company in September.

At PlayStation Studios, meanwhile, head of mobile Nicola Sebastiani exited the firm in June after two years, heading to The Sandbox as its chief content officer.

Sebastiani was replaced in the role by co-heads Kris Davis and Olivier Courtemarche. Davis had previously served as PlayStation Studios senior director and head of mobile business development, while Courtemarche was promoted from head of mobile product.