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Join our webinar today on why user churn scoring is essential for user retention

On Thursday, February 29th - join leaders from app marketing experts Adikteev for an exclusive online webinar with insight into user retention and churn scoring.
Join our webinar today on why user churn scoring is essential for user retention

On Thursday, February 29th (today!) join app marketing experts from Adikteev for an exclusive online webinar, which will explore the complexities of user retention, with a focus on user churn scoring.

Clement Favier, the Global Chief Operations Officer and Kate Lovejoy, the US Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer from Adikteev are joined by's Brian Baglow, to discuss two critical metrics for evaluating app user churn:

  • Churn probability
  • Churn risk vs. Revenue loss

The panel will discuss why these metrics matter when measuring churn, how to use a 'churn scorecard' to evaluate the impact of churn, ways to improve accuracy for churn prediction and how to integrate your churn prediction with other, existing user retention strategies.

The webinar takes place online on Thursday, February 29th 2024, from 16:00 GMT (08:00 Pacific Time | 11:00 Eastern Time). It's free to attend. You can reserve your ticket here.

About The Speakers

Clement Favier, Adikteev - Clement is Adikteev’s Global Chief Operations Officer. He started his career in Adikteev more than seven years ago as the company’s first Data Analyst. Since then, he’s been instrumental in growing Adikteev into what it is today. Clement is passionate about user acquisition, retention, gaming, mobile marketing, and app growth.

Kate Lovejoy, Adikteev - Kate is Adikteev’s US Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer. As an experienced growth strategist and operations leader, Kate excels at building high-performing account management teams in the mobile adtech space. She’s worked on campaigns for hundreds of top-grossing mobile games — including King, Zynga, EA, Machine Zone, Voodoo, and more — to help them reach their KPIs and generate excellent results.

Brian Baglow, (moderator) - Brian is an experienced games industry insider, journalist and event organiser. He is a consulting editor on, the leading b2b website for the mobile games industry.