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Games as a luxury product: the opportunity for brands

Brotherhood of Brand's Lucy Rissik on the growing opportunities for brands in games
Games as a luxury product: the opportunity for brands

As the global games market continues to grow and reach an ever-larger audience, the value of the gaming audience to brands and IP owners is increasing.

From fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) to the luxury market, games are a new frontier. However, creating credible and meaningful relationships is far harder and requires understanding and a sympathetic approach from both developers and brands.

Thankfully there are guides, sherpas and experts out there who can help the different parties to navigate the perils and pitfalls of branding, and help those first-timers to get it right.

Lucy Rissik is the Founder & CEO of Brotherhood of Brand, a boutique strategic marketing partnerships agency that connects brands with games studios to build partnerships.

Prior to seeing up her own agency, Rissik headed up the global marketing collaborations team at EA Games to deliver reciprocal relationships across global titles including Need for Speed, The Sims, FIFA and Star Wars BattleFront.

At Pocket Gamer Connects Digital 7, Rissik will be part of a panel exploring the challenges and opportunities for brands within the rapidly evolving game market. spoke to Rissik to find out more about the opportunities for brands within games, as well as her own journey through the games industry.  Tell us a bit about your company

Lucy Rissik: Brotherhood of Brand develops authentic partnerships with video game brands, blurring the lines between the virtual and real-world to create significant cultural moments.

We work with video games brands to create amazing collaborations that add amazing content and build marketing campaigns for their launches and beyond. Our current clients include Codemasters, Star Stable and more.

“I am a big advocate that video games are a luxury product and that we should treat them like that.”

We have undertaken partnerships including putting streetwear brands into Need for Speed Heat to working with street artists and exhibiting in Art Basel.

Tell us more about your role within Brotherhood of Brand

I work closely with video games companies and create partnerships that are relevant and authentic to their audiences and look to also bring in new ones. I actually come up with the creative ideas, the right brands to go for and also how we activate them.

Why did you want a job in the games industry?

I love working in an industry that is constantly changing and evolving. It's also an industry that people can get incredibly passionate about.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get into the games industry?

Research and find companies that you are interested in. Attend events and approach the companies that you are interested in.

What are your thoughts on the global games industry over the last 12 months?

The industry has boomed but the world has woken up to the industry too. I am loving seeing the other brands coming into the industry and disrupting it.

I am a big advocate that video games are a luxury product and that we should treat them like that. With luxury brands coming into the industry it really solidifies this.

What are the most interesting trends to keep an eye on in the next 12 months?

More collaboration. The merging of the virtual and real worlds. More move into Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), more discussion on the metaverse.

How has the industry changed?

It has grown massively and I love to see the different pockets of the industry that have grown and changed.

Book now

Lucy is taking part in Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #7 which takes place from July 12th - 16th 2021.

Find out more and book your ticket now.