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11 deadly marketing sins all mobile game devs should avoid

Peter Fodor lays it out

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Peter Fodor, founder of AppAgent, gave a talk on the 11 deadly marketing sins that game devs should avoid.

The first sin was missing the unique selling point. "The sooner you define this in your development process, ideally the pre-production phase, the better" said Fodor, as it helps define the direction of the entire game.

Know your player

The second sin was having a vague definition of your target group. Fodor said that not knowing what kind of person you're going after will mean your game won't fit any particular audience at all.

The third sin was not researching the category that your game is being made for, and not looking at what competitors are doing .

"When you have the idea, think if you're going in the right direction," said Fodor.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.

Pocket Gamer Connects returns to London on January 16th and 17th. You can find details about the event and book your tickets here.