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Harry Holmwood on how Western developers should implement gacha in their games

Better retention and monetisation through a desire to collect
Harry Holmwood on how Western developers should implement gacha in their games

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Harry Holmwood, CEO of The Secret Police, gave a talk on how game mechanics from Asia can influence your titles.

He primarily spoke about gacha, starting by identifying the word "gacha" as the sound a toy machine makes when it drops randomised toys people enjoy collecting.


Games that use gacha tend to be easy to start but have a deep metagame to master. "That metagame usually involves games of chance," said Holmwood.

One thing that helps to focus on the metagame is to include an auto-play, with Holmwood saying that "letting the game play out on its own is just as much fun" as playing it properly when you're focused more on the numbers and less on the action.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.