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Speaker Spotlight: Meta Audience Network's Thomas Coulon on finding hypercasual success

Meet the mobile gaming casual and hypercasual experts at Pocket Gamer Connects London, February 14-15
Speaker Spotlight: Meta Audience Network's Thomas Coulon on finding hypercasual success

Europe’s leading B2B conference for the global mobile games industry, Pocket Gamer Connects London, is rapidly approaching and we could not be more excited to share with you the fantastic speakers gracing us with their knowledge and expertise on February 14-15!

You can view the entire speaker line-up so far here to get a full scope of the talent that will be speaking this February. To give you a glimpse of what you can expect, we are spotlighting some of the most highly anticipated speakers to showcase the incredible talent and top-tier businesses that will be sharing their insights with us.

Thomas Coulon, strategtic partner manager at Meta, will profile ad revenue optimisation in the casual and hypercasual genres, whilst maintaining player engagement in a hypercasual or casual game, including the latest insights, best practices, and which ad formats, designs, and entry points work best. What key trend should we be paying attention to in the next 12 months?

Thomas Coulon: Everyone is talking about NFT, blockchain based games these days, it'll be interesting to see how this evolves and how sustainable the 'play-to-earn' model really is.

Is hypercasual gaming here to stay?

Hypercasual gaming is definitively here to stay. I also think it will evolve for the better, with improved ad placements, user experiences and game mechanics. Industry players are starting to call this hybrid-casual.

What’s your favourite ever mobile game?

My personal favourite is 2048... I am not the most patient player and to me this is the perfect balance between being quick to play, challenging, and pretty much never ending!

What was the fundamental appeal of the mobile games industry that brought you to it?

For me, the appeal started with the medium itself, back when people were still mostly using WAP phones and Blackberrys. I was doing user acquisition on these for a start-up in the states, and quickly realised the growth coming from mobile in general.

What do you enjoy most about working in the mobile games industry?

It's one of the most innovative, creative, and fast moving industries these days. Not a day goes by that you don't hear about a new exciting game, technology, partnership, or acquisition.