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Want to ChinaJoy(n) us this week in Shanghai?

Alternatively you can catch up in Cologne, see us in San Francisco or say hi in Helsinki!
Want to ChinaJoy(n) us this week in Shanghai?

The European games industry may be turning its collective gaze towards Cologne this week as the countdown to Gamescom ticks on (and across the pond our American chums are doubtless planning for Casual Connect the week after).

But in Asia there's only one conference name on everyone's mind and that's the annual craziness of ChinaJoy.

It may well share the claim to be the biggest games show in the world with a few challengers (although with a reported 250k+ attendees to the b2c expo it has a fair shot!), but in the stakes of being the most frenetic, hectic and delightfully confusing for foreign visitors it stands alone.

More importantly, as the Chinese mobile games market eases into number 1 slot on most metrics, it has become one of those essential trips on the global mobile gaming calendar (along with GDC, G-Star, Gamescom and of course Pocket Gamer Connects!)

Suffice to say Pocket Gamer will be at ChinaJoy in body, with our team on the ground from Wednesday to Saturday, as well as in spirit(s), at our networking party on the Thursday night, and we'd love to connect!

So if you want to meet with our MD Chris (chris [at] or Shola, PG's new biz dev face in Asia  (shola.Kunawat [at] then please don't hesitate to drop them a mail directly.

And of course make sure to head along to our Pocket Gamer Mixer and Party in association with the lovely folks at YeahMobi and Immersion on Thursday night.

Catch up in Cologne, see us in San Francisco, or say hi in Helsinki!

If you're not going to Shanghai this time, don't despair, there's plenty more chances to catch up with us in Europe and US in the weeks ahead.

Here's a run-down of where, who and what is going on in the next month or two:

ChinaJoy (Shanghai) from 27th July

  • Connect: Chris James (chris [at] + Shola Kunawat (shola [at]
  • Network: PG Mixer & Party

Gamescom / GDC Europe (Cologne) from 3rd August

Casual Connect (San Francisco) from 11th August

Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki from 8th September