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Capcom consolidations all mobile operations to aggressive focus on own IP games

Beeline Interactive dissolved
Capcom consolidations all mobile operations to aggressive focus on own IP games

Capcom is reorganising all its mobile game teams into a single operation.

Its Mobile Business Division will incorporate the existing Capcom mobile teams and the previously semi-autonomous Beeline Interactive.

It was a western-run casual-focused team that had a early F2P app store hit with Smurf's Village, also making games using external licences such as Shrek, Peanuts and Ghostbusters. 

All together

The new organisation will make games for Japan and international markets.

Capcom promises this will enable "fast decision making" across the globe.

It will also "aggressively" focus on Capcom's own IP library with Monster Hunter, Sengoku BASARA and Mega Man games currently in development.

And as well as making games, Capcom will also act as a publisher and distributor, taking hit Japanese mobile games into fast-growing Asian countries.