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Chinese government stamps down on mobile games, requiring state clearance for all games and some updates

Barriers to entry
Chinese government stamps down on mobile games, requiring state clearance for all games and some updates

From 1 July, all new mobile games will have to be pre-approved at least 20 business days before launch by China's State Administration of Press and Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT).

Story-based games and anything with a political theme will be subjected to more scrutiny, but even your run-of the-mill endless runner will have to receive this approval.

In addition, expansion packs, significant content updates, or name changes may also require a game to be re-approved. 

Indeed, it seems that even if you get a game approved and then hold back your release more than 20 days from your original launch date, you have to go through the process all over again. 

Checking up

Game already released, or that are released in June, will also have to acquire this approval.

The deadline for them is 1 October.

The move comes as the Chinese government is also flexing its muscles over the funding of games, it being one sector which currently can't raise investment.

[source: Marbridge]