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NCSoft's mobile sales jump 300% to $83 million thanks to Lineage M

Mobile take on PC MMO is cannibalising other games with its name
NCSoft's mobile sales jump 300% to $83 million thanks to Lineage M

NCSoft has released its financials for its Q2 FY17 for the three months ending June 30th 2017.

It posted sales of $229.1 million for the quarter, up 8% both year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter. It also saw profits rise 23% quarter-on-quarter to $33.3 million, though this was a 56% decrease year-on-year due to higher labour and marketing costs.

Breaking this down further, NCSoft stated that mobile sales hit $83 million for the quarter, up a staggering 300% quarter-on-quarter. The success of the segment was entirely down to the launch of Lineage M.

Changing allegiances

The company's latest game also hurt sales elsewhere, causing the original Lineage's sales to decline by 34% quarter-on-quarter to $29.9 million. Royalty payments from games such as Netmarble's Lineage 2 Revolution also fell to $32 million.

NCSoft did not detail its plans for the future, though it will surely involve pushing Lineage M as hard as possible. The company has already upped its marketing spend 90% quarter-on-quarter to advertise the game.

Lineage M launched in the tail end of June in Korea with 5.5 million players already pre-registered. By July 26th it was estimated to have generated $233 million in revenues from a total of 10 million downloads.