
Mobile Games University - How to get a job in games: Interview tips from the experts

How to make a positive first impression on your potential employer
Mobile Games University - How to get a job in games: Interview tips from the experts

So after sending off your CV and Cover letter, you’ve been invited for a job interview, congratulations!

But the hard work isn’t over. The employer will want to know more about you and may dissect your CV.

So you’ll need to think up some answers to obvious interview questions, such as your strengths and weaknesses, and be prepared for questions that test your knowledge about your profession, the company and the games industry at large.

Here we’ve listed a series of articles offering interview tips, with advice related specifically to the games industry.

8 Steps to Interview Success

Recruitment agency OPM’s Nathan Adcock offers advice to give you an edge over the competition.

10 Tips to Crush Your Gaming Job Interview dishes out some top tips for aspiring developers looking to ace their interview.

What to Wear (and Not Wear) to a Game Job Interview

As a creative industry, the games business is not typically a suit and tie affair – more casual clothing can be fine, even during the interview process. Jason Bay runs through what’s okay and what’s not okay to make a good first impression.

Watch a Job Interview with Game Developer Turbine

Dice News arranged a mock interview with an ex-LucasArts Sound Designer Tyler Piersall and (now former) Turbine VP of Product Development Craig Alexander, providing a useful insight into how others conduct themselves during the process. Stick around for the post-interview analysis where both discuss what went well and what didn’t go so well.


7 Tips for Interviewing at a Video Game Company

Jason Bay also has more tips for the interview process via an interview with J.C. Connors, a former Studio Head at Griptonite Games and Glu Mobile and currently a Senior Leader at Amazon Lumberyard.

Game Job Interview Questions And How to Answer Them

An older article, but one full of useful tips surrounding the questions that may pop up during your big interview.

Interview tips from Interactive Selection

A quick round up of ten common interview questions, why the employer is really asking them, and some example answers you could use as a template for your own.