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Chart of the Week: Women more likely to invest time and money in mobile gaming

They are the big spenders, says Flurry
Chart of the Week: Women more likely to invest time and money in mobile gaming

Female gamers are more likely to spend more time and money on mobile games than their male counterparts, while they are also more likely to stick around once they've invested in a game.

That's according to a study conducted by analytics firm Flurry, which also found that women make 31 percent more in-app-purchases than men, and spend 35 percent more time in gaming apps than male gamers.

In terms of user retention, women are more loyal than their male opposites, having, on average, a 42 percent higher seven-day retention rate.

Women on top

While it was suspected that study's results may have been affected by the recent success of titles such as Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, further research shows that these trends have been present long before Kim burst onto the scene.

Flurry CEO Simon Khalaf believes that the fact women gamers are clearly willing to invest healthy amounts of time and money into games will have advertisers licking their lips. The mobile space, says Khalaf, is now more appealing than ever.

"While the broadening of the mobile gaming base may not be welcome by hardcore male gamers, it brings good news to advertisers seeking to reach their audience," he explained.

"The gaming segment still accounts for 32% of time spent on mobile devices and hence that segment will be sought after by major advertisers. The fact that this segment is attracting females as well as males of all ages makes it even more appealing to advertisers and their agencies.

"On the surface, it might appear that Ms. Kardashian has started a new trend and has disrupted the mobile gaming segment by attracting women’s time and credit cards. But our data suggests that trend started before Kim K. came to mobile and shows no sign of stopping."

[source: Flurry]