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Apple puts a stop on iPhone porn

Apps containing nudity pulled from App Store
Apple puts a stop on iPhone porn

After the news that the implementation of parental controls in the iPhone's 3.0 operating system now made it possible for more mature content on the App Store, many users were excited by the possibilities.

Not simply from a porn perspective, but by the idea that fewer restrictions would be placed on the content of games and applications.

However, not long after the story broke that Hottest Girls now included nudity, the application was pulled from the App Store. According to the developer, it made the decision to pull it due to the strain on its server.

It now seems that Apple has stepped in and returned to its Mary Whitehouse style policies and removed all such applications from the App Store.

"Apple will not distribute applications that contain inappropriate content, such as pornography," a statement sent by Apple to CNN reads. "The developer of this application added inappropriate content directly from their server after the application had been approved and distributed, and after the developer had subsequently been asked to remove some offensive content. This was a direct violation of the terms of the iPhone Developer Program. The application is no longer available on the App Store."

So it seems we're back to the random and confusing submissions process. Not that we particularly want the App Store to become an online porn hawker, but a greater freedom of choice was very appealing for a few wonderful moments.