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PlayHaven boosts its analytics acquiring team behind

San Francisco start-ups now holding hands
PlayHaven boosts its analytics acquiring team behind
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jun 5, 2013 acquisition PlayHaven Staq Not disclosed

Mobile monetisation outfit PlayHaven has beefed up its analytics smarts, acquiring the team behind

Founded by Massimo Andreasi Bassi, Luca Martinetti, and Francesco Simoneschi, three Italians now living in San Francisco, the start-up graduated through Microsoft Accelerator.

It offers real-time analytics based on what it calls 'critical player data'.

PlayHaven says the addition of the team will enable it to accelerate development of the data analysis capabilities of its platform.

It's currently tracking more than 10 billion in-game events for clients such as Glu Mobile, NaturalMotion, Namco Bandai and Sega.

Max Attack

" built a truly innovative technology and we see this as a huge step forward in our mission to help developers solve the challenges unique to mobile gaming," said PlayHaven CEO

"We both believe that real-time data analysis - particularly in the fast-changing environment of mobile - is the foundation for lifetime value maximisation and look forward to helping developers capture all of their opportunities."

"We started with the goal of bringing valuable insights to developers struggling to make sense of their users and understanding how they want to be engaged," added Massimo Andreasi Bassi,'s CEO.

"Data is core to every game developer's success and we're excited to join forces with PlayHaven where we will continue solving the same set of problems we're passionate about."

Prior to Staq,io, the co-founders started DomainsBot, a SaaS company for the domain industry.