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7 steps to crushing your next app campaign

Adknowledge gives you some wise advice
7 steps to crushing your next app campaign

A recent report from Cisco points out that there are probably more mobile devices on the planet than people. So predictably, the world's smartest marketers are pouring their hearts, souls and budgets into mobile.

In Q4 2013, Facebook became a mobile-first company - 53% of its ad revenue came from smartphones and tablets. To no one's surprise, Twitter recently announced a new mobile ad product for driving app installs.

But even for the most experienced marketing managers and media buyers, mobile advertising is new terrain.

New horizons

You're dealing with brand new ecosystems, to-be-defined user acquisition values, and a rigorous commitment to ROI.

You're well versed in the art of traffic acquisition and conversion optimization, but when it comes to driving mobile app downloads, you need more guidance and direction.

That's why we wrote this guide - to connect experienced marketers and media buyers with the lessons we've learned from working with thousands of advertisers across three company divisions:

  • Adknowledge - advertising within apps and across the mobile web
  • AdParlor - Adknowledge's social media product
  • Giant Media - Adknowledge's video product

We wrote this guide for the next generation of app marketers - intermediate to advanced-level media buyers who are curious about the following:

  • The evolving app ecosystem and what it means for your brand
  • How to stay ahead of the competition and always achieve maximum ROI on every single unit of advertising spend
  • How to test new waters in a structured, systematic, and high-impact way
  • How to choose distribution partners that align with your core brand goals
  • How to develop an end-to-end campaign that maximizes the impact of each and every app download
  • How to steadily increase your mobile app advertising budget

The mobile advertising ecosystem is saturated and competitive. As ad networks develop more compelling offerings and brands become more mature in their mobile strategies, price points will only continue to increase.

You need a high-impact strategy that puts your brand ahead of the curve.

To get started, follow the 7 simple steps outlined in Adknowledge's latest eBook, 7 Steps to Crushing Your Next App Campaign.