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6 videos on funding, games industry M&A and tax relief from PG Connects London 2017

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6 videos on funding, games industry M&A and tax relief from PG Connects London 2017

Want to see all the sessions from Pocket Gamer Connects London 2017?

Well you’re in luck! We have all the sessions available now for your viewing pleasure.

We’ve put together a list of the videos from the Show Me The Money track right here, all just a few clicks away.

The sessions focus on topics such as funding, M&A activity and UK games tax breaks.

Covered in this set of videos you’ll find:

  • We would rather make VR but guess what – We are still funding mobile games
  • Mergers and acquisitions in games: Lessons from the field
  • Why investors say “No” to game studios when they come asking for investment 
  • The current M&A market for games & predictions for 2017 
  • Dynamic pricing in games: The opportunities & pitfalls 
  • UK games tax relief: How do you get it? 

Click the link below to watch the videos.

We would rather make VR but guess what – We are still funding mobile games


Speaking at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2017, our panel of experts discusses the pros and cons of VR compared to mobile.

Mergers and acquisitions in games: Lessons from the field


Animoca Brands CEO Robby Yung dicusses M&A activity in the games industry, and offers learnings from his own experiences.

Why investors say “No” to game studios when they come asking for investment


Execution Labs’s Keith Katz runs through the key elements studios should consider when looking for funding, in a session that also touches on the differences between equity investors and publishers.

The current M&A market for games & predictions for 2017


Agnitio Capital MD Shum Singh discusses the latest mergers and acquisitions in the games industry, and what trends we can expect in 2017.

Dynamic pricing in games: The opportunities & pitfalls


As the interest in Dynamic Pricing explodes it is important to understand the opportunities as well as potential pitfalls. This talk will explore both areas and provide a roadmap on methodologies to price your content to maximise gameplay satisfaction and retention.

UK games tax relief: How do you get it?


Updating a highly popular session from last year, BFI lead analysts Julia Brown and Colm Seeley run through the options available to UK-based developers.

Discover more at Pocket Gamer Connects in person

Want to get more information from the experts about funding, investment opportunities and industry M&A activity?

As well as these videos and constant coverage on the site of course, we're bringing Pocket Gamer Connects to plenty more cities around the world!

On June 27th to 28th 2017, we'll be holding Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco!

Bit too far for you? Well, on September 19th to 20th 2017 we'll be hosting Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki.

Can't make either of those? Well you're in luck, we'll be bringing back Pocket Gamer Connects London in 2018 on January 22nd to 23rd.

We hope you enjoyed the videos, more of which you can find on the YouTube channel.

We look forward to seeing you at future events!