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Company Spotlight: Elevatix

Find out more about the adtech and AI service that's helping talented developers around the globe monetise their creations, freeing them to focus on making great games
Company Spotlight: Elevatix

Company Spotlight


Date Founded


Business Type

Limited company



Key Staff

Kseniia Maiboroda, CEO & Co-Founder

A visionary leader and astute entrepreneur, Kseniia Maiboroda is the CEO and Co-Founder of Elevatix, a pioneering tech startup that making transformation of the mobile game industry with AI customer-centric monetization. With a dynamic career spanning 15+ years in the high-tech industry, a software development masters degree and over five years of expertise in mobile gaming, she's not just familiar with the industry; she's mastered it. Her track record speaks volumes, having collaborated with AAA list industry leaders.

Number of Employees


Contact Details



Main Areas Of Business:

Technology for the AI monetization for mobile games

Elevator Pitch:

Elevatix is the AI engine for the ultimate IAP monetization of mobile games. We offer the smart segmentation and personalized IAPs, all produced by ML. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual live operations. Instead, Elevatix ensures top-tier accuracy without the need for developer support or managerial oversight. Now you can put resources into new, cool features as Elevatix takes on your monetization tasks from A to Z, potentially bringing in +40% additional revenue.

Whether you’re an indie or AAA game, you’ll get tailor-made IAPs for each player with offers running automatically after two days of integration. Now there’s no more trade-offs: Grow your LTV and increase player engagement, get high conversion rate and crazy upscale!

Projects and Partners:

Playside, VooDoo

Highlight/s To Date or Greatest Achievement so far

We won the Stevie Awards 2023 Gold for Startup of the Year

Tell us something about you that nobody really knows:

We chose Axolotl as our company mascot. This adorable larva has the remarkable ability to transform into a robust, fully grown creature, but only when it's provided with the perfect environment. And that's what we plan to do with your monetization!