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Hot Five: Zynga's Chartboost deal, winning Gree may lose, and Turkish game riding high in the US

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Hot Five: Zynga's Chartboost deal, winning Gree may lose, and Turkish game riding high in the US

To help you keep on top of a busy news cycle and the latest hot topics in mobile gaming, each week we round up the five most-read storieson

This was the news cycle for the week starting 26 April 2021.

Read on and digest...

5. Amber - Building a (new) company culture

They say 'culture eats strategy for breakfast' but ambitious Romanian games outfit Amber wanted both.

The process of creating a new company culture to underpin its growth strategy is a fascinating read!

4. Roblox: In the metaverse, we can improve on reality

What's a metaverse? Does it eat breakfast?

Who knows, but during the Beyond Games conference, Roblox senior director of product Morgan Tucker did argue that one of the attractions of these new largescale virtual environments was the flexibility they provide to run mass events such as the Lil Nas X conference Roblox operated in 2020. 

"With the metaverse, we don't have to just replicate reality we can actually improve upon it," he commented.


3. Why Zynga’s Chartboost acquisition is more strategic than reactive

Some viewed Zynga's $250 million acquisition of adtect outfit Chartboost as a reaction following Apple's crack down on tracking. 

Zynga's COO Matt Bromberg argues that while this was part of decision, more significant were long term trends about how the mobile marketing sector is consolidating. 

"Regardless of Apple and IDFA changes, successful digital businesses need to have their own adtech tools,” he said.

2. Why Gree may win the law but lose its Supercell patent war

The US courts have now awarded Gree over $100 million over Supercell's use of its patents, and there's another case still to be heard. 

But what if by successfully attacking one of the most beloved mobile game makers, Gree has inflicted a higher level of damage on its own reputation?

Jon Jordan ponders the situation. 

1. Turkish-developed mobile games accounted for 20% of US top 100

The growth of the Turkish mobile game sector - notably companies such as Peak Games - has been one of the geographical trends of the past five years; something highlighted by Zynga's M&A activity in the region. 

And the growth shows no sign of stopping any time soon as Turkish developers have become some of the most active developers and publisher of hypercausal games.

Indeed, during April 20 per cent of the most downloaded mobile games in the US were developed in Turkey.