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User acquisition is the biggest challenge in mobile games, says InMobi's Jobie Tan

Meet the mobile games and Web3 experts at Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle, May 9-10
User acquisition is the biggest challenge in mobile games, says InMobi's Jobie Tan

Pocket Gamer Connects – Europe's leading mobile games industry conference – is heading to Seattle as we bring an array of incredible speakers, industry experts, and unparalled networking opportunities to the US west coast on 9-10 May 2022!

You can check out our speaker lineup, but to give you a teaser for what you can look forward to, we spoke with our speakers to share a little of what they'll be speaking on, and their thoughts of the mobile games industry.

Jobie Tan, global head of gaming, business development at InMobi, has over 10 years of experience in ad tech, and he leads the gaming supply business development team at InMobi, contributing to his publisher’s app monetisation efforts. His panel, titled Are Ads the Right Monetisation Method for Your Game?, will explore the varying monetisation methods and making sure you've picked the right one for your audience. If you could give other mobile games companies one piece of advice, what would it be?

Jobie Tan: Everyone should be able to work with everyone! Each organisation has their own strengths. For ad monetisation, working with a good mediation platform partner will allow the publisher and/or game studio to work with the appropriate SSPs and ad networks to contribute to their inventory profiles.

Some networks work well with UA. Some networks work well in the US. Some networks have foot in the ground in high growth countries internationally, such as India/SEA and LATAM.

Where are the next big opportunities in the mobile games market?

Finding new forms of discovery. We’ve seen lowered CPI a few months after the Squid Games series on Netflix. It’s a battle for UA and eyeballs right now. Publishers/studios have taken to social media, TikTok, Youtube and other forms to boost discovery and lower their CPI.

There are also huge opportunities outside of the US. While the US has the largest revenues, there are other huge audiences around the globe. The Android platform has been growing rapidly in the past few years with the advancement of the handsets and competitive costs. If you have an Android audience, there is a good chance you will have mobile gamers in India/SEA and LATAM.

What’s your favourite ever mobile game?

Alien Shooter – ABI Onesoft. I love shooters. The newest shooter I have been playing is Mr. Autofire by Lightheart Entertainment.

What game has been on your phone the longest?

Fruit Ninja!

What is the single biggest challenge facing the mobile games industry today?

User Acquisition is a big challenge in today’s mobile games industry. The cost to acquire new users is increasing. Publishers and studios need to be mindful of their retention and their ability to monetise their audience before they are gone.


There’s no place like Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle to connect with incredible industry leaders like Desiree Dickerson. Don’t miss out on attending our West Coast conference – secure your seat now and get early access to our meeting platform to schedule all the meetings and see who all will be joining us in Seattle come May 9-10.