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TIGA: More than 4,600 jobs to be created in UK games industry in next 5 years

Survey points the way to strong growth
TIGA: More than 4,600 jobs to be created in UK games industry in next 5 years

Thanks to the Games Tax Relief finally coming into force back in April, more than 4,660 industry jobs could be created over the next five years - if research published today is to be believed.

A survey conducted by TIGA (in association with Aon Hewitt) claims games industry salaries rose by 3.4 percent across the course of the last year. That's compared to the 3.1 per cent UK average and represents the first growth seen within the industry in last five years.

The news is said to be particularly encouraging for students - despite an 11 percent drop in graduate starting salaries - as it paints the games industry as a potential leader in terms of UK salary.

Sustainable jobs

Equally encouraging is the claim employee turnover within the industry has declined from 13.5 percent in 2013 to 12.8 percent - an all the more impressive figure when compared to the UK average of around 14 percent.

"This is a great time to be in the UK video game industry," detailed TIGA CEO Richard Wilson. "Salaries in the games industry are now rising faster than the national average. Job opportunities in the games industry are set to grow and investment in the sector is set to increase.

"TIGA research suggests that at least 4,660 highly skilled jobs will be generated and £188 million in investment will be triggered over the next five years thanks to the introduction of Games Tax Relief, a measure that TIGA campaigned for over the last seven years.”

Games Tax Relief offers studios up to a 25 per cent reduction in development fees and should stimulate around £188 million in new investment over the next five years.