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Apple's new App Analytics is available in early access beta

In-house app analytics rev up for a test drive
Apple's new App Analytics is available in early access beta

Apple has begun inviting eager industry beavers to test drive its new App Analytics service, currently available in Beta.

Analytics packages have been available for some time from third party services such as App Annie, but Apple’s offering seeks to cut out the middle man.

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Sign-ups are being handled at iTunes Connect, and access will be handled on a first-come first-serve basis.

While not many details are currently available on how deep Apple’s analytics will delve, it's assured developers that it will record how often customers visit an app’s page on the App Store, how many users open the app, track in-app purchases, create custom campaign links, and provide details on website referrals.

Next month will see Apple’s WWDC developer conference, so we should have more details on how the Beta testing has progressed by then.