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Square Enix reveals stylised puzzler Lara Croft Go for mobile

Tomb Raider in the style of Hitman Go
Square Enix reveals stylised puzzler Lara Croft Go for mobile

Speaking on stage at its E3 conference, Square Enix has revealed Lara Croft Go - an upcoming mobile game in the vein of Hitman Go,which is currently in development at Square Enix Montreal. 

Hitman Go was sedate, turn-based take on the Hitman franchise, complete with a tabletop aesthetic.

Similarly, Lara Croft Go is a turn-based puzzler, with a new Monument Valley-esque art style.

Significantly, Hitman Go was a premium game, priced at $4.99, although whether or not Lara Croft Go will adopt the same pricing model is unclear.

Regardless, the fact that Go is being pursued as the go-to mobile brand for Square Enix franchises at least suggests that premium remains a going concern for the company.

And elsewhere at the conference, Kingdom Hearts: Unchained Chi was announced as a free-to-play mobile game.
