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Machine Zone drops trade secret lawsuit against Kabam

Machine Zone says its fears have been "allayed"
Machine Zone drops trade secret lawsuit against Kabam

Machine Zone has unclenched its jaws from around Kabam’s throat, having dropped the lawsuit that was sparked during a Casual Connect cocktail party.

The two Silicon Valley mobile games companies have released a joint statement saying that they have amicably resolved the trade secret lawsuit that Machine Zone filed against Kabam a fortnight ago.

Lay down your weapons

The accusations had been levied after Kabam’s Daniel Wiggins allegedly told Machine Zone CEO Gabe Leydon that he has seen a confidential slide deck containing confidential company facts and figures.

Leydon became incensed, a shouting match ensued, and the next day a lawsuit landed on Kabam’s desk.

Now the matter has been dropped. In a statement, Kabam’s COO Kent Wakeford said “Kabam holds itself and its employees to a high standard of conduct, and we take any claim against us very seriously.

“The behavior of one employee as described in the lawsuit is not representative of how we do business. We’re glad that our companies can move forward.”

Machine Zone also offered a statement, with Leydon saying “Based on our discussions with Kabam, we have concluded that the concerns that prompted our filing the suit have been allayed,” said Machine Zone CEO Gabe Leydon, in a statement.

“We are pleased to have amicably resolved the matter.”