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WildTangent reports 33% fill rate increase after signing up with AerServ

Brand advertising approach brings impressive returns
WildTangent reports 33% fill rate increase after signing up with AerServ
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Nov 2, 2016 partnership AerServ WildTangent Not disclosed

AerServ has signed with WildTanget to serve as the mediation platform for all its mobile games.

Since launch, WildTangent has reported a 32.9% fill rate increase over the in-house solution it used prior to AerServ.

The system used by WildTangent before AerServ required development resources to expand its limited feature set, showed ads from competitors' games and delivered mixed eCPMs. 

Marked improvement

One of AerServ's current focuses is on brand advertising for games. This is said to have played a significant role in WildTangent's decision to partner with the firm, and it has since enjoyed campaigns from the likes of Pandora, Axe and Wal-Mart.

“We couldn’t be more excited to partner with WildTangent in an effort to monetise their mobile audience,” said Josh Speyer, CEO of AerServ.

"At AerServ, we view our customers as partners, not just numbers. We work extremely hard to ensure their needs and monetisation goals are met."