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Tenjin partners with Looker and Chartio to make marketing data more efficient

Visualising marketing data for better growth
Tenjin partners with Looker and Chartio to make marketing data more efficient
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Feb 21, 2017 partnership Chartio Looker Tenjin Not disclosed

Mobile marketing infrastructure firm Tenjin has partnered with Looker and Chartio to improve its marketing capabilities.

Tenjin will combine its DataVault data warehousing infrastructure with its partner companies' visualisation tools to make viewing marketing data more efficient.

It will allow users to run a variety of queries across its data and receive it in an easily accessible format. This will in turn help marketers make more informed decisions about campaigns, which should help them grow their business.

The right tools

"With user acquisitions costs as high as they are, it's crucial that app marketers have robust BI tools to help them identify, target and acquire high-value users," said Christopher Farm, co-founder and CEO of Tenjin.

"DataVault is the preferred solution for many leading app developers to help them gain user-level access to data from throughout the entire lifecycle. Through these partnerships with Chartio and Looker, we are now able to provide our customers with the industry's most powerful visualisation tools as well."

Tenjin most recently partnered with deltaDNA to share technology between platforms. As part of the deal, Tenjin users gained access to deltaDNA's visual analytics platform.