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View-to-play pioneer Futureplay Games looking beyond clickers to match-3 and more

Soft-launching two new games soon
View-to-play pioneer Futureplay Games looking beyond clickers to match-3 and more

Futureplay Games is shifting away from the clicker genre with its upcoming games and is currently exploring the match-3 genre.

In a fireside chat at Unite Europe 2017, co-founder Mika Rahko spoke about how the studio is looking to new genres for its games, saying that "we don't want to make swiping idle games forever."

Rahko also said that the studio was looking to soft-launch two new games in the next two months. He then took some time to talk up both Playrix's Gardenscapes and Supercell's push into eSports as key trends in the mobile space. 

Branching out

Futureplay made its name developing "view-to-play" games in the clicker genre, specifically Farm Away! and Build Away!. The first game generated an $0.082 ARPDAU with around 100,000 players in its first week.

The developer went on to raise $2.5 million in funding in August 2016 to scale up its team and work on new games. Having started as a five-person studio, the team has now grown to 20.