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Niantic opens up preview of its AR Real World Platform

Pokemon Go developer looks to collaborate with third parties to advance augmented reality
Niantic opens up preview of its AR Real World Platform

Pokemon Go developer Niantic has released a previewof its experimental augmented reality Real World Platform.

In an extensive post on its website, the studio outlined the next steps in its augmented reality efforts. Niantic is revealing details on the Real World Platform to prove its commitment to the technology, but is also seeking to find third-party studios to utilise it.

The preview details advancements made possible through the acquisition of external technology companies, like the recent purchase of London-based Matrix Mill. These acquisitions have helped Niantic in developing “planet-scale AR” and brought in machine learning expertise.

Acquired knowledge

Matrix Mill’s knowledge in particular is helping to drive one of the more prominent technologies in the preview. By being able to read and understand real-world scenes, Niantic is targeting more accurate AR interactions and to enable occlusion of virtual objects behind reality.


The preview also houses features for multiplayer AR. Identifying latency as the biggest concern, Niantic has developed proprietary, low-latency AR networking techniques that works across platforms.

“Because we are so excited about the opportunity in advanced AR, we want other people to be able to make use of the Niantic Real World Platform to build innovative experiences that connect the physical and the digital in ways that we haven’t yet imagined,” said Niantic’s John Hanke.

Niantic has opened up this information, in part, to encourage outside studios to get in touch.

“We will be selecting a handful of third-party developers to begin working with these tools later this year, and you can sign up to receive more information here,” said Hanke.
