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Investor Connector at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki - applications closing soon!

Don’t miss out on the chance to get one-on-one meetings with investors - or games companies seeking funding - at next month’s two-day games industry conference
Investor Connector at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki - applications closing soon!

The PG Connects events are fantastic B2B conferences that provide a venue for networking and knowledge sharing. The next one is in Helsinki in October 2019 and there is still time to get tickets. Ready to attend? Great.

But when it comes to seeking investment for your project - or finding the next hot studio to invest in - don't leave it to chance. Investor Connector is a curated morning of one-to-one meetings that can get you in front of the right people.

We’ll set aside a quiet space on the morning of Day 1 (October 1st) of PG Connects Helsinki 2019, where pre-selected companies looking for funding, and investors, get to connect one-on-one to discuss their potential involvement.

Participating investors

  • Catalis Group
  • LVP
  • MTGx
  • Murka
  • Nordic Game Ventures
  • Pollen VC
  • Sisu Game Ventures
  • Tencent

Applicants MUST be registered attendees of Connects Helsinki 2019 - great news is that you can use code Connector20 for 20% off at checkout! Then all you need to do is send us your details using this form

Investors wishing to participate are requested to apply here.

The deadline for submissions is 23:59 THIS SUNDAY, September 19, 2019.

Please note: this is a curated session and successful applicants will undergo an approval process. Meetings are at the discretion of the investors. Additionally, Steel Media cannot guarantee that any meetings with investors will result in investment for your company. The session is set to take place over a three-hour period on the morning of Day 1 of the conference [October 1st, 10am-1pm – timings tbc].