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The UK Games Fund selects 38 studios for funding

Mobile studios include Panic Barn and Jolly Good Games
The UK Games Fund selects 38 studios for funding

The UK Games Fund has selected 38 studios for the next round of investments.

As revealed on its website, the fund will aid mobile games companies such as Blackstaff Games, Bocata Games, Jolly Good Games, Panic Barn, and The Secret Games Company.

The company received 170 applications for its latest round of funding. The 38 firms that were accepted will be able to engage with other members of the UKGTF. This will open virtual and face-to-face networking opportunities.

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At first, companies selected were to be awarded £5,000 ($6,107) and later taken to the national showcase to pitch for an extra £20,000 ($24,428). However, given the current COVID-19 circumstances, the UK Games Fund has changed its approach.

"Due to the continued uncertainty about what lies ahead in the months to come, and with small businesses feeling the brunt of the economic impact of the pandemic, we have adapted our offering to help as many studios as possible in the development of their own IP," said UK Games Fund.

Multiple companies have donated money to help fight the coronavirus, and to help communities get back on their feet. Last month, Bethesda donated $1 million to fund a variety of charities.