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WildWorks plants 16,000 trees in Zambia with WeForest

"A great way to get kids to care about something is to bake it into the games they love to play"
WildWorks plants 16,000 trees in Zambia with WeForest

Games developer WildWorks has planted 16,000 trees in Zambia in partnership with WeForest, the first kids-centric gaming firm to do so.

Through the partnership, WildWorks pledged to plant one tree for each new subscription it got to Animal Jam during April. As a result, over 16,000 trees were planted. Currently, Animal Jam boasts two million daily active users, with 125 million registered players across 225 countries. As of August 2018, the kids-centric MMO has generated $150 million.

"A great way to get kids to care about something is to bake it into the games they love to play," said WeForest Bill Liao.

"Educate and inspire"

"Animal Jam is an online game world for kids who love animals, and since its inception ten years ago our mission has been to educate and inspire as well as entertain," said Clark Stacey, CEO of WildWorks.

"WeForest's work is highly resonant with these goals. We've observed that our current generation of eight-12-year-old players is deeply concerned about climate change and wildlife conservation, and they're eager to roll up their sleeves and do their part to help the planet. Working closely with WeForest, we'll enable these kids to explore the vital ecological role of trees and how we can all help reforest our own communities."