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Witcher maker CD Projekt hit with cyber attack

Someone infiltrated the firm and has stolen source code for Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 in addition to internal documents
Witcher maker CD Projekt hit with cyber attack

Polish games giant CD Projekt has apparently been the victim of a cyber attack.

In a post on Twitter, the company said that someone managed to gain access to its internal network and collected data belonging to the firm yesterday (Monday, February 8th). The hacker also encrypted a number of devices on CD Projekt's networks – presumably to stop people having access to them – but the company has managed to go off existing back-ups.

The identity of whoever infiltrated CD Projekt's infrastructure is currently unknown, but they did leave a ransom note, in which they claim to have taken the source code for not only Cyberpunk 2077, but also The Witcher 3 and an apparently unreleased version of The Witcher 3. That's on top of internal docs, including those relating accounting, admin, legal, HR and investor relations.

Time is ticking

Whoever this is is trying to force CD Projekt to come to some kind of arrangement with them – though this isn't specified – or they are threatening to leak all the information to the press. They have given the company 48 hours to get in touch.

"We will not give in to the demands nor negotiate with the actor, being aware that this may eventually lead to the release of the compromised data," CD Projekt wrote. "We are taking the necessary steps to mitigate the consequences of such a release, in particular by approaching any parties that may be affected due to the breach."

CD Projekt has also reached out to law enforcement and let the president of the Personal Data Protection Office know about the incident.

This story first appeared on