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UKIE launches new Devices For All campaign

The trade body has called on games companies to donate devices such as laptops to schools
UKIE launches new Devices For All campaign

UK video game trade body UKIE has launched a new campaign asking companies to donate tech that could benefit schools.

Dubbed the Devices For All campaign, UKIE has called on games organisations of all shapes and sizes to lend a helping hand through the donation of computers, laptops and other devices.

Several major companies have already pledged to support the cause, including Team17, ustwo games, nDreams, Kuato Studios Hi-Rez Studios, SEGA and Nintendo.

Other pledgers include Creative Assembly, Games Jobs Direct, Curve Digital, OPM Jobs and Sports Interactive.

"There's a need right now for devices in schools across the UK, but the digital divide is huge, existed before the pandemic and requires real, long-term solutions," said UKIE head of education Shahneila Saeed.

"If children are unable to use the technology today, then they are unlikely to become its creators tomorrow. Given everything we know about our future direction, donating devices could have an important impact on their futures, our economy and the future of digital industries in the UK."

Digital aid

It is reported that around 1.77 million children across the UK do not have access to a laptop, computer, tablet or another device that they could work on.

Moreover, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, it is believed that there will be an even bigger divide between disadvantaged and advantaged children, as those from poorer backgrounds will struggle to access much-needed technology.

"The UK games industry has been such a success because it has been able to tap into brilliant creative minds from across the whole country," said UKIE CEO Dr Jo Twist OBE.

"By donating devices to schools, and especially to those in disadvantaged areas, the industry can play a valuable role in closing the digital divide and building a more inclusive industry for the future."

If companies wish to get involved with the Devices For All campaign, they can sign up here.