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Top-performing titles have a 45% higher D7 retention rate

Games live streams generated 11 billion hours in viewship in just over a year
Top-performing titles have a 45% higher D7 retention rate

Top-performing mobile games have a 45 per cent higher day seven retention rate than the industry average.

As detailed in Google's Global Insights Report, retention is achieved through studios having a better understanding of their audience.

"Top game developers see a much higher retention than industry average, suggesting they are building games people love to keep playing," the report reads.

Each individual community may have different preferences. Thus it is important to make adjustments accordingly to keep engagement.

"A thriving cycle of engagement includes both in-game tactics as well as a community created around your content," reads the report.

Tuning in

Furthermore, live streaming and esports are on the rise, meaning many viewers may be drawn to a game by watching others play.

Between October 2019 and September 2020, 11 billion hours of viewership was generated through games-based live streams.

In 2020, as the coronavirus swept the globe, many turned to games as a means of entertainment. Not just to play, to also watch pro tournaments and live events.

Such events included Travis Scott performing a concert in Fortnite and a viewing party for Ava Max in Roblox.

Meanwhile, on the esports front, a new short film was created for Supercell's Clash of Clans dubbed Lost & crowned: A Short Clash Film.

Splash the cash

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, it was found that one in four casual players spent money on mobile titles.

"The best monetisation experiences for you and your users are when you're able to offer them something of value in return that is aligned with their preferences," said Google.

Over time, mobile players have become more willing to spend money, particularly as the pandemic has gone on, with 37 per cent of people claiming they would spend more money now than before the outbreak.

Moreover, one in three have spent money on in-game purchases. More specifically, there has been an increase in the amount spent on currency, special bundles, items and customisation.