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Adjust implements connected TV ad to mobile measurement feature to platform

Will provide cross-device insight into marketing campaigns
Adjust implements connected TV ad to mobile measurement feature to platform

App tracking platform Adjust has revealed it is expanding its Connected TV (CTV) and Over The Top (OTT) offerings to include CTV ad to mobile measurement.

The new feature will allow advertisers to view each user’s activity from CTV ad view through to mobile app install.

This will allow cross-device insight which in turn can be used to optimise campaigns and drive growth.

Adjust’s new feature brings enables mobile marketers to assess the performance of their marketing campaigns across all channels, including CTV and OTT, which can help improve ROI.

The new offerings come as global CTV engagement has increased, with estimated US CTV users expected to reach 213 million by 2023.

CTV app measurement will include integration of all major CTV platforms, including Apple TV, Android TV, Amazon Fire and Roku.

Increase CTV engagement

"As CTV grows, so does its influence as an advertising medium — transforming what's broadly been thought of as an awareness tool into a key performance channel," said Adjust lead product strategist Gijsbert Pols.

"It has become essential for marketers and developers to understand CTV’s role in the user journey. Adjust is committed to helping apps meet their users where they are, empowering them to serve engaging ads that can be confidently measured and attributed."

"Historically, television has been an expensive advertising channel with ROI difficult to prove. However, with holistic CTV measurement, teams with leaner budgets can enter the space and spend efficiently, while also maximizing an innovative new channel."

Earlier this year, Adjust partnered with creative platform Luna Labs to allow mobile developers to create dynamic self-optimising playable ads.

Furthermore, in February mobile marketing company Applovin acquired Adjust for $1 billion following the app tracking platform’s steady growth and crucial partnerships.