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Bidstack launches dedicated Sports Division and partnership with SimWin Sports

Bidstack's new sports division allows the management of virtual advertising on a whole new level
Bidstack launches dedicated Sports Division and partnership with SimWin Sports

Bidstack, the advertising company specialising in in-game advertisement and monetisation, has announced the launch of a dedicated sports division.

Bidstack Sports will first partner with SimWin sports, a virtual football league that is also looking to expand outwards into other sports. Bidstack Sports will manage in-game advertising within the virtual space, such as advertising appearing on billboards and sidelines around the pitch that display dynamic advertisements in line with ongoing partnerships and changing sponsorship deals.

SVP & Head of Bidstack Sports, Alex Nunex, who also engineered the first virtual stadium rights deal during his time with EA Sports, is highly positive about the partnership.

"Each year, the advancements in sports simulation gaming are bringing fans closer to the real-world experience – from gameplay animation and athlete likenesses to the environmental and atmospheric detail of the most iconic venues in sport. Our mission is to help amplify that evolving realism, while introducing innovative commercial growth and fan-engagement opportunities in the virtual space made possible through Bidstack’s tech.

"The new product we've created addresses the largely untapped media values available for the sports industry in gaming by enabling publishers and rights holders to natively monetize and dynamically communicate inside virtual stadiums through a controlled content management dashboard. This tech solution represents a remarkable opportunity to drive net-new sponsorship revenues and increase communication with the next generation of fans."

Advertising within the Metaverse

Bidstack Sports is not just about this initial partnership however. In-game advertising may be looking for a test-bed, and what better than in a virtual simulacrum of sports, an industry that attracts hundreds of advertisers each year? By ensuring that it's not only feasible, but easy to change in-game adverts with minimal need for development, Bidstack are pursuing a first mover advantage in virtual sporting.

It's no surprise that virtual sports is the first place to take such a significant shift in monetisation. However, with even virtual sports spaces being inherently made for visible, large-form advertising, how the new tech may be used in future for other genres of games opens up exciting new possibilities.