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AdLiven announces AI image Generation Tool to for playable ads

The first-of-its-kind tool uses a neural network to identify specific variables linked to playable ads
AdLiven announces AI image Generation Tool to for playable ads

Ad creative platform AdLiven has announced the mobile industry’s first AI-based asset generation tool for creating and managing playable ads. The AI Image Generation Tool lets marketers, designers, and advertisers create individualised ads using AI to create an unlimited number of customised assets in different styles, formats, and resolutions.

“User acquisition has become more challenging in the wake of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency policies, meaning that creating quality advertising is more important than ever before,” said AdLiven CEO David Carter. “Integrating AI into the AdLiven Playable Platform means it’s quicker, easier, and more cost-effective for advertisers to create and make changes to their playable ads.”

The tool uses a neural network built to identify specific variables linked to playable ads..This network can recognise and generate images based on three inputs: existing ad, an image, or a manual text prompt.

Alongside providing a seamlessly infinite variation of creatives, the tool streamlines the process of ad creation through the power of AI, land the company hopes this will let creators make more effective ads quicker than ever before.

The future of advertising?

Since each of AdLiven’s playable ads is custom built, the tool can tailor its solution for each one individually, tailoring its solutions by analysing ad engagement and seeing which elements are driving performance. Through this method, the tool can create ads which allow for better targeting of users in different segments, whether that’s network, device, or region.

User acquisition has become increasingly difficult in recent years, in part due to recent changes in privacy regulations and consumers becoming more aware of how their data is used. As such, ad marketers and creatives need to consider how they can maintain their performance, and this can include thinking outside the box. While AdLiven’s AI approach may be the first on the market, it’s also one that will likely become more common in the future as creators adapt to the current advertising climate.

Yesterday, AppLovin released a report breaking down the key metrics of successful ad creatives.