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FIFA’s new mobile game is built around AI footballers

It marks their first game independent of long-time partner EA
FIFA’s new mobile game is built around AI footballers

With the adoption of AI being a hot topic at the moment, the latest to test these waters is FIFA, with the launch of their new game AI League on Android.

Following on from the separation of FIFA and EA, the former has turned to the mobile gaming space – at least for now – and recently launched their latest title AI League in open beta. The title was announced as one part of a greater adoption of Web3 and blockchain experiences coming from FIFA, and whilst currently playable only on Android, an iOS version of AI League is supposedly in the works and coming soon.

Powered by AI

AI League is a 4 vs 4 casual football game and has been developed by Altered State Machine. Notably, rather than players controlling characters throughout, their actions are mostly dictated by the AI. Players then take over with inputs in particularly tactical scenarios.

Overall, players take on the role of a team’s coach, owning an AI team of footballers with unique traits, strengths and weaknesses. They can collect these unique footballers and trade them in aims of building a team that comprises their personal favourite combinations of talents and skills.

Currently, branding around the game relates to last year’s World Cup in Qatar.

As reported by The Verge, last year FIFA president Gianni Infantino commented: "I can assure you that the only authentic, real game that has the FIFA name will be the best one available for gamers and football fans.

"The FIFA name is the only global, original title. FIFA 23, FIFA 24, FIFA 25 and FIFA 26, and so on — the constant is the FIFA name and it will remain forever and remain the best."

EA had a record fiscal year 2022 with mobile seeing the most dramatic rise in net revenue of any of the company's ventures. As for FIFA, mobile title FIFA Online 4 was one of publisher Nexon's biggest hits last year.