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Yahaha launches AI driven, cross platform co-creation tool

The studio has attracted significant interest and investment
Yahaha launches AI driven, cross platform co-creation tool

Game creation platform Yahaha is set to launch a new AI driven mobile cro-creation feature to their Co-Create platform.

The new feature will, according to Yahaha, allow developers to create no-code titles accelerated by AI. The company is focused on integrating the use of user generated content (UGC) as well as supporting the use of the feature across a variety of platforms, including mobile, PC, Mac and more. The company is set to “prioritise a no-coding requirement” and further expand on this focus with the new tool.

According to Yahaha’s official description of the feature, “The platform boasts many advanced capabilities, including a seamless UI, easy to use functionality, stability, and interactivity, enabling users to develop and experience games more efficiently. Yahaha's voice chat feature creates an ideal co-creation place for game developers, and its drag-and-drop functionality makes it extremely user-friendly. Real-time cloud storage and one-click sharing provide the smoothest game experience, with an environment tailored for cooperation and communication among players.”

Interest & investment

Yahaha’s promised features and game platform have drawn a variety of investors, with the product launching into beta earlier this month. The company has also announced a number of partnerships with studios such as 3D model marketplace CGTrader and Synty Studios who also boast a large-scale asset library.

The focus on AI in this new feature is not surprising as it has become a hugely debated and heated topic, but one that many see unrivalled potential for game creation in the future. Yahaha already boasts a theoretically massive asset library from established studios, so it isn’t clear how much AI will take the place of this content if at all.

Yahaha's COO, Pengfei Zhang shared an exclusive comment with us saying, "Yahaha has always strived to open up mobile creation to future and current developers and enable them to create in the style that suits them best. Co-Create extends this support to real-time collaborative work styles, across numerous devices - empowering more and more people to not just ideate, but actively create, regardless of their initial skill level.

By using co-create, a travelling developer across the world from their team can contribute from their mobile device. A teacher can actively work with their student to show them how to polish their skills, and the student can see these improvements take place on-screen. Co-create is the next step in our mission to ensure that anyone can YAHAHA, and we’re excited to see what people create with it."