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Game acceleration platform Homa launches new physical and digital magazine

The studio will feature exclusive insights in both an online and print format
Game acceleration platform Homa launches new physical and digital magazine

For all those who have lamented the death of physical media for gaming, rejoice! Because at least one company, Homa, is making the jump from digital and back to paper - with the new Homa Mag.

Announcing the venture on LinkedIn, Homa have said the first edition will include an interview with CEO of Sybo, the company behind Subway Surfers, Mathias Gredal Nørvig, as well as a feature by Deconstructor of Fun around the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence for art generation. The first issue can be accessed digitally via your browser at its official website, or email them to request a physical copy.

And joining the Homa celebration, the team recently announced that their title Ammo Fever now boasts more than 5 million downloads

Paper chase

The decision to offer a glossy new physical format for gaming news, with an eye on design is certainly an eye-catching move that helps set Homa's apart. Rounding up their news into a regular package gives them a great platform to feature their message and the provision for a print edition is sure to have plenty of subscribers seeking what could be a rare keepsake in times to come. Here's hoping the exclusive nature of the magazine and it's production values continue to draw in big names to contribute. 

In order to find out about the new digital and print venture we spoke with co-founder and CRO of Homa, Olivier La Bas, about the making of this very special project. Can you tell us a little about the Homa mag? Who is it by and what’s the intention behind it?

Olivier La Bas: Homa Mag is the first magazine created by Homa and is available both online and in hardcopy print versions. Homa Mag delivers exclusive content for the mobile gaming ecosystem.

Our goal is to provide industry knowledge to empower the audience to grow their skills, get expert tips, and stimulate their creativity. Homa Mag is packed with sharp articles, case studies, and insightful interviews along with some fun content for entertainment too.

Why take this approach to get your message out rather than newer avenues like social media?

Having a physical version of the magazine aims to increase the discoverability of the content and bring a more qualitative approach to educational content for developers. We place high value to our community and partners and this aligns with Homa's core values. But we also have a free online version accessible to everyone here.

Who designed it?

Alongside our internal marketing team here at Homa, we decided to team up with the creative agency Avapond to assist us with the magazine. Our goal was always to provide a professional, premium magazine and the results and feedback have been overwhelmingly positive.

Will it be a regular release? And what can we look forward to in the future?

Yes, we plan to release the magazine with a regular frequency. You can expect new industry leader guests, deeper tips & tricks and fresh case studies of our game successes in upcoming editions of Homa Mag.

And anything else new and cool at Homa? What's going on with you right now that you can share with us?

We have many exciting new projects currently and we're excited to share more information on these very soon indeed. What we can tell you right now is that Homa is still currently hiring aggressively to sustain our growth with over 50+ open positions company-wide. And let me say, Homa is a great place to work at!